Item # GRL-4011-1600, 4000 Series Illuminated Miniature Rocker Switches
Endurance: 100,000 cycles, no load, minimum 25,000 cycles at rated load minimum up to 16 A @ 125 VAC 10,000 cycles at rated load minimum 16 A @ 250 VAC Contact Resistance: Less than 0.01 Ω at 10 mA (Initial) Operating Temperature: From -20ºC to 105ºC maximum. Consult factory for higher or lower temperature ranges. High Voltage Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 2,500 V, 60 Hz for 1 minute between mounting surface and circuit connections Humidity: Insulation resistance > 103 MΩ after 100 hours at 95% R.H. and 50ºC followed by 1 hour dry at ambient room conditions
Operating Standards described herein are general specifications that vary depending on the switch construction specified and end application. Contact us for specifications for specific models. Specifications subject to change without notice.